Books books books

8:43 p.m., 2006-11-06

Ms Cooke (english teacher) gave us the book, "Goodnight Mister Tom."
I was really uneasy about the book. Most people were saying that it was way better than Oliver Twist. But Laruen said she read like, a chapter and she fell asleep. It's set in Victorian England.

It was actually quite interesting. Nice story. Me and Diana were racing. First she was beating me. Than I beat her. Than she beat me again. And I beat her again. Then she read way too many times in maths and beat me by like, 45 pages. But in art, I started reading extra and caught up. I finished it in lunch. She hasn't finished it yet. Well, that was when school ended.

Going back to the Earth's Children, this is the list of interestingives:
1. The Clan of the Cave Bear (first book)
2./3. The Valley of Horses and The Plains of Passage (second and fouth book.
4. The Mammoth Hunters (third book)

About to finish the fourth book. Borrowing the fifth and last tomorrow. After that I'm going to read that series that Amanda and Diana are reading. Then the um... "Northern Lights" series.

I am, at last, unsure about talking to Joanna. I have a bad feeling she's going to have more stuff to say - shout. And she's way more experienced. She's, from Tamora Peirce book: somewhere in Protector of the Small, the oldest twleve year old girl I've met.


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