
21:09, Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2014

Yeah, so the house is in metaphoric ruins 2 weeks after my mother goes to Europe. Honestly, there are only two main effects: 1) Cleanliness and 2) Food.

The house hasn't gotten significantly dirtier, and that's because everyone still sticks to their own stations and doesn't touch someone else's. The real problems are the shared areas i.e. the bathroom and the kitchen.

The bathroom sink becomes the dirtiest shit in the world because all this unremoved dust just collects. My dad actually went, "Omg why is it so dirty, I just vacuumed the other day," and it's at that point I realise that he actually thought the bathroom sink magically stayed clean by itself.

Shit just accumulates in the kitchen because no one puts shit back where they got it from the pantry/fridge/etc. When I mean no one, I mean the two male members of our family. In the end the pile of shit just becomes such a freaking eyesore that it gives me a headache just to look at it. I think I can finally understand my mother in this aspect; it's not that she's especially a clean freak, it's just that no one puts shit back where it should be.

So yeah I end up doing the cleaning since I'm at home always now and no one else even gives a shit about it. I guess I'm complaining in a way, although it IS satisfying just getting rid of shit, but only because I hate how the other two just don't give a fuck, and are content just sinking deeper and deeper into shit. I mean, I am pretty lazy myself, but this is a shared lodging here. Maybe it is a girl thing.

So cleaning is fine, I can do that. The main problem is the cooking. My dad didn't go grocery shopping this week and I was a bit worried, but I was like whatever, I trust you. But no, really, fuck, THERE IS NO FOOD IN THE HOUSE. NO FOOD. Except for green vegetables, which is cool, but I am not a rabbit. In fact I might as well be carnivorous except I also like carbs.

For dinner and lunch over the last two three days I have had rice, choy, and beans. Fucking BEANS AND ASIAN FUNGI. Mixed with like a spoonful of meat. I swear my dad is trying to make us vegetarian or something. I'm looking in the fridge to make some other side dish and there is nothing except more choy. I try making an omelette but I am the shittiest person on earth at seasoning and it ends up tasting like a vegetable anyway.

I have yet to start studying yet, but I swear I might just end up staying at uni all day to avoid the mess the house is in right now. I feel like I should be the one dealing with it because I'm at home always, but the side of me that shirks from responsibility and just avoids shit (this is a strong characteristic in my family) is very strong right now.

Just gonna wait it out until the motherboard returns.

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