CD Day 6

23:35, Friday, Nov. 29, 2013

0730: Congee for breakfast. It's so watery here.

0800: I return to my old class. I am still below everyone's level, but I don't feel too shit. I think it's a matter of studying at home. Kevin doesn't show up because he is hung over. That punk.

1200: Lunch quickly at the hamburger place. I try to order a drink but it doesn't work, and I feel sad. Return to dorm to rush for class trip to Tiananmen.

1300: Bus ride to Tiananmen. Weather is so hot today. Hot as in, BJ winter hot. And there was no wind; it was so good. Too bad I only have like one change of clothes.

1400: Tiananmen, me and Karmen take a lot of photos and have a lot of funny random talking. It's good. I'm so glad to have Karmen; it doesn't feel forced or boring or tiring. Well on the other hand, a lot of the people I meet here I'm not too awkward with, minus the white people, which is great. It's because of the shared knowledge of foreigners.

1500: Forbidden city is more quiet. It is beautiful and wonderfully big; but it is my third time coming, and it loses shine each time. It's still lovely at sunset though, but I feel it would be better with a proper camera, and maybe my family or by myself to just sit an appreciate history. I feel a tad homesick

1600: Karmen is going to meet her parents again for dinner, and Shirley and Clara are meeting family too, so I find Henry, Katie and Alise to hang with again. We are joined by a group of girls I haven't talked to yet, so at least I met some new people today. A girl asked to come with me and Karmen to our plans tomorrow and I couldn't say no.

1700: We walk to WangFuJin, and it looks so awesome. Me, Henry, Katie and Alise stay for dinner at the street food street, while the other girls head to dinner. Turns out, dinner is shite, disappointing, quality average, price not cheap. I discover Katie is a lot less nice than I thought she was though. She's nice, just, also complains a lot. I see it in an endearing way though, right now, but I can see how other's might not.

1900: We walk around and see some expensive shops and cheap markets, selling my earmuffs for 10rmb cheaper aka half price.

2000: We head home and Alise tells me the most hilarious story about swimming pool changing rooms in China and I cry with laughter on the subway.

2100: I hang out with Henry for a bit, he seems a bit lonely here. Then I hang out in a Sydney bedroom and get to know Sherry and Evelyn a bit more. It's nice.

Oh, Daniel, Aaron, Jordon and co. go clubbing tonight at a foreign club, and I'm tempted, but also not tempted. I didn't bring anything nice, nor any makeup. Also, my roommate, and courtesy and stuff. Plus Brighde, Teresa and Jocelyn as the only chicks going? Kill me if I go. I still want to go sometime though, maybe when I'm prepped. I should have just brought all my makeup; it's not like it takes a lot of space. Ergh.

2200: I do laundry tonight (2 yuan), with the little bag of clothes I have. It's on my floor and there's a dryer too, but I don't have that many, and my room is permanently heated and dry. I chat with Karmen while I wait, which is lovely. Karmen is love. Then I go back, hang my underwear near the heater, and plan to sleep earlier. Not happening.

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