
7:21 PM, Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011

My parents are discussing my possible future courses/careers like they've gotten a chance to decide their own lives again. But I suppose, compared to a gazillion others, that I'm lucky. I'm still confused though.

Freaking irrepressible urge to go shopping.

I feel like I want to get all maths back early, as the first exams I get back, so the bullet of fuck can hit me ASAP and then leave me ASAP. I mean, nothing else could be worse, I can assure you now...

At least school is less (?) stressful [except for maths] since we finished everything in all subjects [except for maths] so we don't need to learn anything new [except in maths!!!]

Things to start doing: work/study, working out to get my waist back, start reading books, pick up the guitar again, wipe the dust off my camera and drink water.

New songs: even though the last batch was solely like alternative rock/the Strokes style, my recent batch of new songs consists of, 4 japanese songs + 1 epik high song (I know, so much asian this time..), 4 classical + 1 OST instrumental, 2 french oldies, 1 60s song and 1 Iron and Wine cover of a song I already have. Is that wow or what.

Yeah, I dunno, I amuse myself.

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