
7:30 PM, Friday, May. 27, 2011

I got a little irritated, to a measurable extent, at two of my friends today. I don't think I was upset at all at first, when I found out that she had read it and when she wouldn't tell me which part she had read. But then she went on about how it was my fault that I didn't stop her when I saw her. I did, but maybe I sounded dismissive and uncaring? And supposedly because of that, I shouldn't give her shit about reading it?

And then I got angry at the other friend who agreed with her.

Why should it be my fault that you read it? If you have started reading it, and realised what it was saying, shouldn't you have stopped out of common politeness and respect? Shouldn't it be wrong to read private things without permission? Isn't that common sense?

So I suppose I was mad. Not that she had read it, but because she threw aside the concept of my privacy in my face. And the other girl didn't seem to care much for it either. I just felt things exaggeratedly that way. I guess I'm sensitive about the issue.

But I feel sort of bad now.


Yearbook page due midnight. I wish I had handcrafted it all, because I would have felt the greatest satisfaction and joy. The pains of procrastination and no scanner in possession.

I didn't hand in my Friday extension history homework for the first time since the course started. Fuck. I think that was the biggest regret of the day. Oh and also that my jersey is a small yet I'm swimming in it. I cant never get things to fit me perfectly.

Greatest moment:
It was Alex's birthday, and though I unwelcomed her into the group at first, she's like just another part of us now. Planned to buy her a cupcake cake (how could she buy her own cake and feed us when it's her birthday?) so me and Ticky went yesterday, talked some shit out, and then got her to buy it today during assembly.

It was an awesome mindblowing fantastic paradoxic-blended red velvet cake covered in icing. I was so glad to have gotten it, not just for the food, but because I thought it was perfect and different and original and something more meaningful than the average cake. And I think she appreciated it. I think.

Appreciation=the best feeling ever, regardless of whether its of me or not.

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