Out of Breath

5:39 PM, Tuesday, Jun. 30, 2009

Guess what Eve just did just then?

Because of Streamwatch, I had to catch later train yeah? Well, there's the 4:40 fast train and 4:55 fast train and I ended up catching the later one even though I could've made it for the earlier one. That's because of talking with friends and stuff.

I ended up catching Joanna's train and changing at Sydnham again. Waited like, 8 minutes at Sydnham and train arrived. Then I fiddled with my iPod earphones and kept statue-ing myself because my damn cheap china earphones are broken (like the wire is screwed) all the way and sitting on the floor and looking out the window and wishing I brought my camera. Nts: bring camera even Tuesday (badminton), preferable on days with streamwatch xD

Of the train, at its 5:25 ish and I'm speeding home from Revesby. That's because I knew my parents would kill me if I wasn't home without telling them anything and my phone was outa batteries so I knew they would attempt to call me and fail. So I sped down, racing against the setting sun (daylight savings + midwinter coming up).

So I went super shortcut, through the no through road into the park, so through the road near George Bananas or whatever its called. It's fun. I swear, I got high with every step. I see all these people, off from Woolies, off from work, walking their dogs, this little kid in PJs outside his house LOL. And then sometimes, I'm running, other times, walking really really really fast.

The no through road that goes into the park is AWESOME i swear. I love it so much, the houses are cute as and it's so deserted--it's so awesome xD Then at the park, it's so pretty. It's almost fully dark, but the street lights are there and the crescent moon is full on white like black people's teeth (OMG how poetic haha). And so I'm like carefully and hastily treading through the squelchy grass because I can barely see shit in the dark. It's so freaking hilarious I swear.

Like, always, I turn my head and see what photos I could've taken, with those frame hand guestures. Yeah, then I REALLY wish I brought my camera. It's going to be real dark next fortnight so it won't be the same = Oh well. So then it's grassy and I see faint outlines of these two people training I think? Girls too. Then I'm running and jumping/hurdling over stuff and then its Carson Ave.

Cross the awesome lit up with headlights road and I'm at the little lane, which I literally SPEED/RUN/SPRINT through all the way until the end and I'm almost out of breath because I've been running and I"m so bloody high. Then I'm like skipping over my toes (or is it tripping?) heading back and I'm home.

And it turns out my parents aren't going to kill me =P xD

This is definitely going in tomorrow's NaNoWriMo xD

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