Fake Glasses

5:20 PM, Sunday, Mar. 22, 2009

Looking back, I think I used to update like, five times a day, almost every day =O

That must be '06 to '07.

Then '08 came where I was like, fully neglecting this diary, and I updated like three times a day, every three months.

And now this year, where I'm kinda updating, three times a day, every time I remember to update, which is like at the randomest times but I'm kinda updating alot now?

Or maybe its jsut this week. Meh.

I wish there were more choices with the date format.

Also, forgot to mention, when I went to Paddy's with Tiffany on Friday, I bought FAKE GLASSES! xD

Yes asian-ish Ann Dao and Michelle exacts. Thin black rectangular clear lens glasses. $10. Can you believe I bought it?

Well yeah, I HAVE been bugging my parents/friends about it like for ages, and even my dad was amused enough to let me buy it ^^

There were black nerdy ones that had fake lens which i MIGHT buy like... later this year? next year? sometime?

Lol how asian.


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